Peng Chau Island

Situated on the Lantau Island’s north-eastern coast, the small island of Peng Chau is a hidden jewel away from the tourist circuit. This tranquil spot is enriched with ancient temples, relics and a whole lot of positive vibes. It was a major industrial centre between the 70s and 80s, but now you can surrender yourself to the laid back way of life. Peng Chau Island is the perfect destination for a relaxing trip away from the monotony of the daily hustle.

Peng Chau Island is known for its stark beauty and irresistible charm. This region is inhabited by 6000 people who thrive around the port. This unusual island flaunts abandoned workshops and an ancient theatre that adds to its striking aura. The rest of the region is wrapped in an unspoiled wilderness and looks like dreamy stuff. If you have ever fantasized about living on a remote island away from the crowded cities, this is the ultimate place to start a sojourn.